
Tuesday, April 16, 2013

To Our Heroes...

I am so deeply saddened by the events that took place in Boston yesterday.  When three people and over 100 are injured in a senseless act of pure evil, it is a hard pill to swallow.  Tears flowed down my face each time I've watched a slideshow or video of the attack.

While there are undeniably horrific monsters in this world, ones who think they are somehow making a statement by stealing and injuring innocent lives, I think times like these also provide proof that the majority of people in this world are good and will do whatever it takes to help others.  

So, instead of giving this monster or monsters the attention they are seeking, I want to share with you a few stories of the heroes that emerged during this tragedy   

These people dedicate their lives, and put their own safety at risk as a career.  To all our Police Officers, Firefighters, EMTs, Special Crime Units, Military, etc - you show your dedication to the human race on a daily basis.  You are our everyday heroes...Thank you.  Thank you.  Thank you.  

A peace activist who jumped in and helped anyone and everyone he could.

The Athletes
There are many accounts of runners who ran straight to hospitals right after the bombing to donate blood for the victims.  These people just finished a 26 mile race and continued to run to a hospital to give their blood to those who needed it.  Amazing.  Simply amazing.  Thank you.

There are many accounts of bystanders that immediately sprung into action to help those who were injured.  Whether it was applying tourniquets, helping clear debris, or offering support.  Many of these people will never be identified, but I wanted to say "thank you" to them as I know that the people you helped will be forever grateful that you were there for them.  Thank you.

The Public
The Red Cross has had an outpouring of support from the public.  Donations are pouring in from all over the world.  Thank you.

So, in the midst of this tragedy and evil, I find peace in the fact that there are so many people out there who are willing to help others when needed.

My thoughts and prayers are with all the people who have been affected by this awful event.  

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