
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Pillow Love

I love pillows!  They can quickly change the look of an entire room, they can add a pop of color in a neutral space, or a pillow cover can update an out of date pillow/dirty/old pillow.  The best part of pillows is that they can be as simple or as complex as you want to make them.

An avid quilter may choose to create an intricate design, a beginner can choose to one nice fabric and there is a ton of stuff you can do inbetween.

I scoured the net for really neat pillow/pillow cover tutorials for you guys.....Get ready to be inspired - there is something here for everyone....and if you personally don't need a new pillow, they do make EXCELLENT gifts!

(Click the pictures to go straight to the tutorials)

Quick and Easy Tutes:
by Sparkle Power
by Kirin Notebook
by Maureen Cracknell Handmade
Fun and Crafty Tutes:
by Floral Showers
by Cicada Daydream
by Sandi Henderson
A Bit More Challenging Tutes:

by Alisa Burke
by Warmth in the North
by Craft for Home
by Cluck Cluck Sew

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