
Saturday, December 15, 2012

A Sad, Sad Day

Yesterday I went about my normal day....crazy as ever, trying to get 500 things done without the time to do so....and within a mere moment, everything changed.  I found myself in my "Mommy" shoes as I heard about the horrific event that was taking place in Newtown, CT.  

Within an instant all 500 of those things became irrelevant and meaningless.  I felt my heart ripping at the thought of all those parents who didn't know if their child was safe or not, and it tore even more at the thought that so many of those parents would face the most unimaginable fate of their children.  

The school day couldn't end fast enough for me.  I couldn't wait to pick up my girls and just hug them and tell them how much I loved them.
Today my heart goes out to the Newtown community and all the families who's lives have been forever altered by this tragic event.  

For those who suffer,
and those who cry this night,
give them repose, Lord;
a pause in their burdens.
Let there be minutes
where they experience peace,
not of man
but of angels.
Love them, Lord,
when others cannot.
Hold them, Lord,
when we fail with human arms.
Hear their prayers
and give them the ability to hear You back
in whatever language they best understand.

-Margaret A. Davidson

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