
Monday, December 3, 2012

Gift Idea: Handmade Kindle Sleeve with Pocket

EVERYONE is going high tech.  I can guarantee that you know somebody who either has or will be getting some sort of electronic gadget this year.  Here is a way to compliment that electronic gift and balance it out with some good old handmade goodness!

This sleeve was based on THIS TUTORIAL by Curlypops.  I pretty much used her guidelines for measuring the the case and adding the tab.  

I then took some creative license and added a Velcro pocket to house the charging cord...
And added a strap to make it easier to carry around.
Finally, I added a little personalization, because that always makes a gift better!
Doesn't it?!

And there you have it.  Some fun cases that make this high-tech gift a little more personal.  

And, on a side note...

My Take on Electronics for Kids
This year we decided to treat my girls with Kindles of their very own.  I hemmed and hawed over this decision for quite a kids really need such high-tech gadgets?  Am I being a bad Mom by encouraging technology?  After much thought, here is why I decided to go for it.  Technology is our world now and it isn't going to change.  Kids have access to, and use technology everywhere.  Home, school, the library, stores, and pretty much everywhere and anywhere they go.  It is the way the world works.

I am confident that I balance out my kids "tech time" with good old fashioned play and interaction.  My kids spend most of their free time outdoors talking and interacting with people.  We never allow technology before homework, at the dinner table or during family time, and we do not own any type of gaming system.  The only apps I will allow on these Kindles are educational games, books and well, Angry Birds.  Heck, I love the game too....besides it teaches trajectories, right?  Ha!

Finally, I'm kind of tired of the girls fighting over the use of my phone.  Call me selfish, but I would really appreciate at least one of my things staying MINE!

Why the Kindle?
I decided on the Kindle because one, it's pretty much the cheapest gadget out there with the most to offer, so it can grow with the kids.  I managed to get these on sale and spent less on both of them than I would for one ipad or ipod touch.  Honestly I paid a little more for these than I would have for an Innotab!  Another selling point of this version of the Kindle is that it offers awesome parental controls so I can determine what the kids have access to and for how long they have access to it.  This means NO internet access, only games and books I approve!   And best of all...the machine manages screen time (yeah!) and shuts off when that screen time limit is met.  Sorry, no more Kindle until tomorrow!

Ok, so now that I've publicly justified my purchase, let me close with another photo of these adorable cases!
Happy Sewing!

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