
Friday, March 9, 2012

Admission: I've Been Cheating

I have an admission to make - I've been cheating.  Cheating on my sewing machine that is.  Oh the guilt!  Well, not really.  You see my sewing machine knows about my other love, and is quite OK with it.  Why?  Well, several reasons.  

My other sweetie is my camera.  My Nikon.  My lenses.  My "eye".  My editing software.

My sewing machine knows that every once in a while I need to indulge my creativity in things other than sewing. She knows that I will come back to her with a renewed passion.  She knows that it is healthy to shift focus from time to time.  

My sewing machine also knows that my camera is how I get to share all my sewing adventures with you!  She knows that her handiwork  can only look as good  (when shown off on the web) as the camera and "eye" that shoots it! 
BTW, This pattern is going to be available next week!
So this week I enjoyed some one-on-one time with my camera....
Just like sewing, photography is a life-long learning adventure.  There is so much to learn, I don't think you ever "know it all".  I am just starting my journey in this world and am completely captivated by it.  I'll admit it is a bit overwhelming and I get lost in the tremendous amount of science behind it, but I am taking baby steps and learning as I go.  In the past 6 months I have just scratched the surface of aperture, shutter, ISO, f stops, metering, focal lengths, exposure, bokeh, depth of field, composition, rule of thirds, point of view, lighting, etc etc etc.  And the more I learn, I crave more of it.  It is a very time consuming and learning intensive hobby.  Add in the editing component and whoa!  So this past week I've allowed myself the indulgence of dedicated exploration and enjoyed every minute!

If you are interested, I keep another blog dedicated to my photography adventures.  

 But no worries....I have lots planned for my beloved sewing machine in the upcoming weeks.  But my point of this post is to encourage you to find time for your other passions in life.  Us crafty people need many outlets to grow, so don't feel guilty if you need to take a little break from your sewing machine....I guarantee she'll understand and be super excited when you come back to her with even more love to give!!

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