
Monday, January 16, 2012

Sewing Lessons

My 6 year old watches me sew on a daily basis.  She often asks questions and has shown a lot of interest in what I'm doing.  I knew at some point I would show her how to sew, and now that she is 6, I thought it was a great time to start.

She received a kid's sewing machine from her Grandparents for Christmas and has been begging to use it since, but we just haven't had the time.  This weekend I set aside several hours just for her.  Hubby took my little one out so we would have dedicated time to sew.

Sadly, I could not get the kid's sewing machine threaded and lost patience after 20 minutes of fiddling with the bobbin, so I pulled out my old Singer which I purchased way back when I was in high school.

Thankfully I was able to get this threaded and working in a few minutes.  Well, let me tell you - this girl has learned a ton just from watching.  As soon as she started and learned how to lift and lower the presser foot and needle she was off.  Her first stitches were as straight as an arrow (Proud Mama here!).  
Her first project was to be a simple little pillow for her Barbie and when I asked her how she thought she should start, she immediately took two little squares of fabric and put them together right sides together!!!!  Go girl.  Then she said she needed to sew 3 sides and leave one open to turn.  I was SHOCKED!   I showed her how to turn the fabric and she was off with little instruction.  She successfully finished her little pillow, stuffed and all, in 10 minutes.  
After that I showed her some zig zag stitches and let her "play".  At one point she turned to me and said "Mommy, after I practice a bit more, can I get my own website too?"
Oh boy.....

1 comment:

  1. How sweet!! My mom and Grandma taught me how to sew when I was young, too. It's served me well over the years. Unfortunately, neither of my girls took an interest.

    Indiana Inker
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