
Friday, January 27, 2012

Etsy Love: Memories

If you are a parent, I'm sure you are very aware at how fast the growing years pass by.  Some days I look at my 6 year old and - how did she get so big?  When did that happen?  Now I find myself doing that with my 3 year old!

Sadly, I haven't taken time to put baby albums together for them....thankfully I do have a bunch of pictures (which haven't been organized yet) and an excel spreadsheet noting many of their important firsts (yeah - how sweet right....let's pull out the Excel sheet and see when you said your first word)....but I do have high hopes that at some point I will get time to put lovely albums together for them and myself.

I realize, however that it may be some time before I get to do this, but I am constantly inspired by the creative ways that people have come up to preserve these precious moments.  I wanted to share some of my part:  if you are short on time like me, these lovely folks will do these things for you - find them on Etsy!

Can you stand this?  I can't.  Curlybirds will take your child's art and embroider it to be preserved in thread forever....

 What better way to keep all those lovely blankies, bibs and clothing than make them into a quilt!
No time to make your own photo album?  Spunk and Love will make this lovely album for just need to fill in the blanks!
Carry your baby's photo wherever you it!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing, Jennifer! I have the same problem! I always have that thought in mind that I have to start making those keepsake things for my girl but then days go by and nothing's done yet!!


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