
Friday, December 16, 2011

Busy Busy Busy Busy Busy

BUSY! Yes....and I am sure you are too!  This time of year just wipes me out....The decorating, the purchasing, the workload, the baking, the cleaning, the craziness of it all.....fa la la la la.....
I really can't wait until December 25th because that is when I can stop, breathe and actually enjoy the holiday.  And this year, we there will be no travel the night before making it all so much better!  I've decided there is absolutely nothing better than waking up to the squeals of joy from super excited children realizing that Santa has made his trip down the chimney, ate his cookies and left some goodies under the tree and in the stockings.

And this year, I have a brand new see everyone in my family has a stocking with their name on it hanging over the fireplace....everyone except me.  Until this year that is!
Why?  I don't know....I just have always been too busy to worry about putting my name on a stocking, so each year all four of our stockings hung in a row....mine bare and plain without a name.....But not this year!  Added to my to-do list this year was to make myself a stocking....of course it needed to be embroidered, and of course it needed to be patchwork!
So, this year, when Santa comes down the chimney maybe he will leave a little something special for me now that he knows who's stocking it is!

By the way - everyone in my family now wants one of these :)  Maybe next year...

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