
Sunday, November 13, 2011

One Down.....

Yeah!  My first show of the season is over!  For whatever reason the first one always gets me the most stressed.  Here are a few shots of my table...

I lucked out with an end table which allowed me to place my basket of pillows and my coat rack (with all my bags and totes) in a good spot.  
I try to organize things in baskets to create a nicer looking table.  You will notice I have a lot of bibs, that is because for whatever reason they sell really well at this particular show.
Here is the other side of my table where I have my table runners and little stuff.
All in all the day was pretty good.  Would I liked to have done better?  Yes - isn't that always the case?  But I am satisfied with the day overall AND am happy that it is over!

Now I can focus on my daughter's birthday party today!  

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