
Monday, October 24, 2011

RECIPE: Jelly Pancakes

Here is another family recipe passed down from my Grandmother.....Jelly Pancakes.
(CLICK HERE for my Grandmother's Blueberry Tart Recipe)
I can remember weekend mornings when my Grandmother stood at the stove whipping these up as fast as she could to keep up with the demand for their yummy goodness.....
From the looks of them (and the taste), you would think they are difficult to prepare....
Oh, but the wonderful thing about these are they are soooo very simple...
A little mix of the batter, a pour into a hot buttered pan....
A quick flip to reveal that lovely golden brown color....
A thin smear of jelly (preferably homemade raspberry or strawberry)...
A  quick roll and a sprinkle of powdered sugar and you're finished!

My Grandmother would be so happy to know that both of my girls request these every Sunday...and just like my Grandmother - I struggle to keep up with the demand!

(makes about 5 pancakes)
1 cup flour
1 cup milk
1 egg
Tsp. butter
Powdered Sugar

Whisk flour, milk and egg.  Batter will be runny, if it isn't add a little more milk.
Heat large non-stick pan with the butter (you only need to do this the first time).  Pour batter into the pan while twirling the pan with your other hand to spread a thin layer of batter across the bottom of the pan (this may take a little practice).  The thinner the pancake the easier it is to roll (and it tastes better too).  After a minute or two, flip the pancake over.  Cook until a nice golden brown color.
Transfer to plate and spread a thin layer of jelly on top and roll.  Sprinkle with some powdered sugar and serve immediately.

WARNING:  These are addictive!


  1. I want to make these right now! lol Guess I know what we're having for breakfast tomorrow. :) THANK YOU for sharing!

  2. Well, I broke down and made them tonight. ;-) They were sooo good! Thanks again!


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