
Thursday, January 9, 2014

Taking Time To Organize, Prioritize and Focus

I have to warn you that for the next month or two my blog posts will be a little sporadic and possibly off the topic of sewing.  Why?  As part of moving forward in 2014 I am making a commitment to myself and my family to "disconnect" from the online world a little more and engage in real life.  Not that I don't do that already, I do, but if I'm honest with myself, I don't do it enough.

The Challenges of Social Media & Business
It is so easy to get caught up in real time news, events and goings on in the lives of other people.  The internet, social media, smart phones and tablets make it so easy to disengage from your personal here and now and escape into everyone else's.  To a fault really.  Then add in owning your own ONLINE based business and life becomes even more complex.
Image from
I literally spend 6 hours a day in my basement studio...alone.  My only interaction with the world during that time is through typed words on a computer screen.  While it is the basis of my business and I am so very grateful for it, it has its drawbacks.  I really miss interacting with people face to face!  I miss talking!  I think I am losing brain cells because of it.  While I have no problem putting words together for an email, blog post or something else, my "think on your feet" verbal skills have diminished.  I sometimes listen to myself talk and think..."wow, that didn't come out right...or I could've said that better."  I'm out of practice!
Image from "Expatriatus"
The other problem with working from home is the inability to separate home life from work life.  My work computer is my personal computer.  My work phone is my personal phone.  I can't check my personal email without checking my business email...and when I have business email I have a need to answer any questions right away despite what I am doing (i.e. playing with my kids).  Terrible, right?

To Grow or Not to Grow?
My other problem is that I am constantly trying to keep up with my workload.  While this is good, it doesn't allow me time to analyze and think about my business.  I am in a good place right this where I want to stay?  Or do I want to grow Sewplicity?  If so, how will I grow it and what will it take to do that?  These are all questions I need to depth, and I just can't while I'm so busy filling orders and blogging!

Health & Fitness
On another front, I am taking 2014 to jump into clean eating.  Over the past 2 years my family has been on this path and have eliminated most of the processed food we eat.  For me, however, it is not enough to be "almost" there.  You see, the other pitfall of working in my basement by myself 6 hours a day is that I don't move too much.  Sure, I make time to work out during the week, but it just isn't enough to counteract sitting for those 6 hours/day.  When I worked outside the home I would walk a lot more.  There is no walking when you work where you live!  I've managed to put on about 15 pounds since starting my business and I am not at all happy about it.  Now add to that a herniated disc which flares up every few months...this makes my life painfully difficult.  I need to pull those 15 pounds off - for my self esteem and my back.  So I am not only eliminating all processed food but I am making a dedicated effort to cut out 90% of dairy and refined sugar from my diet and increase my workouts.  The dedication to eating clean means spending more time in the kitchen preparing and cooking meals.  More time shopping for healthy foods.  Just more time and attention overall.

What Does This All Mean?  
It means that I am re-organizing my life and my time. I am dedicating a bit less to work and a bit more to family, health and life.  I want and need to enjoy this a bit more...

Moving Forward
Don't worry, I promise I will still be sewing away and making high chair covers for all you discerning Mammas... I will just be doing it at a little slower pace to allow my personal life needs to be met.  And for all my blog followers, I will still have plenty of fun sewing tutorials, reviews and ideas for you. I'll warn you that there may be a few more posts about food and healthy eating intertwined and the posts may not be as frequent, but hey...this blog was never meant to be ONLY about sewing.  I've always intended it to be about "life as a crafter, small business owner and stay at home Mom".  It's time to get real about life.

How are you jumping into 2014?  What changes are you making?  I'd love to hear from you!


  1. Good for you! These are the choices we will be so thankful for later in life!

    1. Agreed Melissa! Family and health first...always!

  2. I hear ya! I feel the same way when I talk to people. I am excited to see what foods you turn to and hear about your progress this year! Wishing you the best!

    1. Thanks Shelley, I will be sure to post my progress!

  3. Good for you Jennifer. I'll look forward to all of your posts...especially the healthy ones :)

    Those sweet girls will be grown before you know it and you'll never get these special times back.

    I'm not really jumping into was my first blog post of the year. One of my goals is to be more creative and blog more. (My kids are 22 and 18 years old...I can do that now)

    1. Thanks Jeanna! Kids do grow up so fast, don't they? I can't understand where the time goes! I think a nice slow entry to 2014 is just as good as any "jump". Here's to your creativity and blog writing!!!


I would love to hear from you!