
Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Attn: Fabric Lovers

Where does it go?  TIME that is.  I can't figure it out....the days have been flying by and most are a jumble.  The worst part is that it doesn't seem that I can ever get caught up!

I don't have any sewing tidbits for you today, but I do have an exciting announcement.....

I have been spending some time going through my scrap boxes, piles, stashes, etc. and have come to the conclusion that I just have too much (yes, it is possible).  I will NEVER use all of this....and as much as I can't bear the thought of parting with my scraps, I have decided to do so knowing that it will go somewhere where it will be turned into a well-loved, worn, useful, decorative, insert verb of choice, item(s).....
Damask Fat Quarter Pack

I'm going to be opening a "Sewplicity Deals" store soon.  This little shop will be full of fabric remnants from my stash.  It will be sold at really good prices, and there will be no additional shipping charges (for US buyers).  The price you see, is what you will pay.  There will be a small flat shipping rate for Canadian orders and items shipped to a NJ location will incur 7% sales tax (sorry, it's the law).
1 pound of nice sized scraps

I've been busy ironing, folding, sorting and have about 25 listings so far.  It's a mixed bag of yardage, fat quarters and mixed scrap packs (most of it pre-washed....a very cool plus)
1 yard + Remnants

The Caveat?  Only that you need to be a Facebook Fan to take advantage, AND that you PROMISE to put it to Good Use - Please don't let it sit in a's been doing that for long enough!  This fabric needs some love folks!
Click here and "Like"!

So, if you aren't already, why not go ahead and "Like" Sewplicity on Facebook where you can stay abreast of my goings on....and be among the first to visit this little Facebook shop when it opens! 

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