
Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Quilted Wine Bag Carrier

With the holidays upon us, I have been coming across some awesome tutorials the lend themselves to the gift-giving season.  This one is no exception!
Needle and Spatula has come up with an awesome Quilted Wine Tote Tutorial that will prove priceless (for me at least) this Christmas. 
Image from Needle and Spatula
The tutorial is pretty easy to follow although you may find that the process used for making the handle holes is a bit tedious as written.    To simplify, simply cut all your rectangles (interior, exterior and batting) the same size.  I'm not sure why they would be different sizes as the tutorial indicates.

Place the exterior and lining fabric right sides together, trace the hole opening with a marking pen onto the back of one of the pieces and sew along that line so the lining and exterior are sewn together.  Now cut out the inside of the sewn oval, leaving about 1/2" of seam allowance and clip/notch all around the oval without cutting the seam.  Cut the hole in the batting rectangle exactly the size of the template (no seam allowance), place the batting on top of the sewn pieces and pull the lining through the exterior and the batting, sandwiching the batting in the middle.  Iron flat and proceed as the directions indicate.
The results are awesome!  Add a bottle of wine and your gift is ready to give!

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